Q: I have placed an order but i have ordered the incorrect product, how do i cancel this and re-order the correct item?
A: To avoid incurring a delivery charge on a separate order please call telesales to ammend any errors on your order and to process required items.
Q: What is the minimum order value?
A: An order value of £150 will be required to avoid a delivery surcharge of £5.00 for next day delivery.
Q: How do i remove an item from my order?
A: Changing the quanity value to "0" will remove this item from your order.
Q: How do i keep a track of my most frequently ordered items?
A: Contact telesales who will provide a list of the items ordered (either this month, this month and last month or in the last 3 months), which you can set as your favourites.
Q: How is the top 200 list derived?
A: This is a list taken from average pharmacy useage data (which can vary by region).
Q: How do i order an item in volume for more than the website will allow?
A: You will have to call in to the sales office to order any item that you require more than 50 units.
Q: After submitting a registration request for an online account, how long till i can start placing orders?
A: As soon as our accounts team process your request, the account is activated and an email will be sent to you. This will be actioned the same day but at the very latest the next working day.
Please note: additional information may be requested if you are NOT an existing account holder with Medihealth Northern Ltd, this will be communicated by either phone or email to you.
If you need to contact us outside of the office hours of 9am - 6.30pm Mon - Fri, please send an email to admin@medihealthonline.co.uk stating your request. This will be actioned at the latest the next working day.
If you’d like to suggest an item for our FAQ please let us know via the Contact Us page.